15 months since the word was uttered, the promise was made and the commitment was formalized.15 months and we're still together, happy as before.maybe just a little more inspired and a little more committed.
the past was good, full of trials and challenges that we were able to survive. i think we're stronger than ever.
the present is lovelier.anticipating how each day unfolds and experiencing how different we were from before gives me a feeling of awe and inspiration.
looking ahead, i can see only beautiful visions of the future.with the options now laid before us, the critical thing to do is choose.but whatever path we may decide to take and wherever destination it will lead us,i don't feel scared. i know i can cling to him for support. we will brave whatever storm comes our way, TOGETHER.
to my Bes, thanks for sharing those 15 wonderful months with me.i look forward to sharing the rest of my life with you.
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