Sunday, January 1, 2012

Goodbye 2011, Hello 2012

I am embracing 2012 with open arms and am sure it's going to be so much better than the year that just bade goodbye.

For this year, I envision myself as this...

1. I am a much happier and content person because I am more intimate with the God I love and continues to strive to know Him more deeply.

I find time to be with Him, not just on Sundays but every day that I wake up and before I go to sleep. Daily conversations with Him through prayers are now my greatest weapon for any fear, problems or doubts that tries to intimidate me.

2. I take time to reflect each day. Take a quiet time and just be. I understand myself better. I am in tune with myself and the universe.

3. I spend more time with the people that I love - my family, friends and immediate community.

Thursday nights are spent with Rafi - brain-typhooning on our new project for the year, making this our new passion.

Saturdays and Sundays are spent most with my family - spending every meal time with them, helping in household chores, in my little siblings school work, in my big sisters errands, giving advice to my younger brother and showing love and respect to my parents.

I commit at least one day a month visiting ADF, helping out physically, morally and financially in our aspirations. I stay relevant. I inspire kids. I share with them what I know. I listen to Fr. Kelly's stories about Jesus. My heart is filled with gratitude and inspiration.

4. I am healthier and fit as I keep to my healthy lifestyle. I exercise at least three times a week - jogging or biking which help me lose another 10 more lbs and make me stronger too! (weight as of Dec. 30, 2011 is 111 lbs.)

5. I read more - whatever I could get my hands on, books, newspapers, magazines, blogs, internet articles. My knowledge and understanding of the following topics have expanded:
Jesus Christ
Market Research
Financial management - saving, investing, etc.

6. I am prudent in my spending and extravagant in my savings. I am creating more financial sources to enable me to start investing.

7. I keep myself focus - Staying true to my commitment, finishing what I started, meeting deadlines and not digressing.

8. I travel the Philippines - Coron / Samal Island / Bohol / Caramoan was much better in person than it is in photos.

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